
Sunday, July 30, 2006

Old is Relative

It's been an interesting month! I've led a mission trip to Costa Rica, vacation, pastor's retreat, and in the middle of all of that work and family. It hasn't lent itself to spending much time blogging. The weird thing is that I really do enjoy this.

My kids are amazed by the funniest things. As I was writing this entry, Hannah noticed me typing and said, "How are you doing that!". Now, keep in mind that I am not a particularly great typist, but it looks impressive (as long as no one notices me hitting the backspace key hundreds of times). I told her that I took lessons when I was in high school from a wonderful, and eternally patient, teacher Mrs. Terry. Get this: on an old IBM Selectric typewriter! Believe me, I don't feel old!! Is 37 really old? When I was 16 it seemed ancient. Now, I delude myself into thinking that it is still 'spring chicken' age. My friend George likes to say that "Denial is not just a river in Egypt." To which I respond, "What were we talking about?"

Well, knocking on the door of the big 4-0 is a strange place to be. I have learned by experience now that it creeps up on you. It makes me wonder if the next 40 years will go by as fast. It just reminds me that I MUST use every moment wisely.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bill,
I remember taking typing on an IBM Selectric! I'm just a year shy of being as "old" as you! I'm with you in thinking 40 doesn't seem as old as it did when I was younger. Glad to see you back on here. I've been looking. Seems like you have been very busy. Tell the family hello.

Anonymous said...

Hey bud...I too had Ms. Terry for typing and without that class, doing computer work would have been alot harder.
Funny how the little things like taking that class impacts you on a daily lives. And during that time, it was just another hour each day that I wished I was doing something riding my dirtbike :-)